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Item: a tall moon oak tree

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Item 'a tall moon oak tree' is type furniture, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'moon oak tree tallmoonoaktree'.
This item weighs 10 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 4,125 gp.
This level 25 item has no special attributes.
This item has a special enchantment.
This tree is a silver oak, a tree renowned world over for its magical
properties and its ability to absorb magic.  The wood of a silver oak is
greatly sought for these properties and is frequently used to make wizard's
staffs, magical trunks and other wooden magical items.  Silver oaks grow
fairly quickly, and this one has been growing for quite a while and is large
enough to harvest.

Long description: A tall moon oak rises here proudly, leaves rustling softly in the wind.
This item can be found in Stock.