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Item: a Fundator Quietus salad

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Item 'a Fundator Quietus salad' is type food, alignment 300, made of organic,
has keywords 'fundator quietus salad'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 4,000 gp.
This level 110 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 35 minutes of sustenance.
Numerous kinds of lettuce and greenery make this salad, humorously named
after a politician hailing from the Palace of Diocletian.  Its dressing in
particular distinguishes itself from other greenery, a slightly salty
concoction that makes the lettuce and other vegetables particularly tangy.
Originally created by one of the commoners of the far-off palace, it was
named to honor of its original benefactors, and has been known thusly ever

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This item can be found in Eanoss Azelmar.