Item: a dragon tear necklace
Item 'a dragon tear necklace' is type jewelry, alignment 700, made of silver,
has keywords 'dragon tear necklace pendant diamond silver', equipped around the neck.
This item weighs 0 stones and 4 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 240 item has the attributes: wont-fuse unbreakable no-auction no-sac magic-resistant no-give invis
This item has a default lifespan of 31 days.
Provides resistance from silver-based attacks.
Affects damage by 8.
Casts the level 120 spell, 'sanctuary'.
*This item may be repaired 1 times and renewed 4 times.
Almost straight from a fable of old, this necklace gleams with an inner
fire. It has long been said that this necklace existed, but it was mainly a
child's fantasy to find. The story has it that the diamond that hangs from
the silver chain is an actual dragon's tear, crystalized. This necklace
makes one wonder about the other fables and stories, and how true they
really are.
Long description: A large diamond pendant upon a silver chain shimmers in the light.
This item can be found in New Kolvir.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in New Kolvir by the mob 'Lord Alymar'.
has keywords 'dragon tear necklace pendant diamond silver', equipped around the neck.
This item weighs 0 stones and 4 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 240 item has the attributes: wont-fuse unbreakable no-auction no-sac magic-resistant no-give invis
This item has a default lifespan of 31 days.
Provides resistance from silver-based attacks.
Affects damage by 8.
Casts the level 120 spell, 'sanctuary'.
*This item may be repaired 1 times and renewed 4 times.
Almost straight from a fable of old, this necklace gleams with an inner
fire. It has long been said that this necklace existed, but it was mainly a
child's fantasy to find. The story has it that the diamond that hangs from
the silver chain is an actual dragon's tear, crystalized. This necklace
makes one wonder about the other fables and stories, and how true they
really are.
Long description: A large diamond pendant upon a silver chain shimmers in the light.
This item can be found in New Kolvir.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in New Kolvir by the mob 'Lord Alymar'.