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Cwn Annwn

Item: an antiquated turntable

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Item 'an antiquated turntable' is type container, alignment 0, made of silver,
has keywords 'antiquated turntable victrola pedestal'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 48 pebbles, and is valued at 765 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable closed
This turntable is a wind-up device used for playing recordings made on
metal, usually silver.  The contraption has a rotating disc on top, and a
moveable arm that is placed onto the records.  The needle attached to the
arm can read the grooves in the records as they spin, reproducing the sounds
coded into them.  There is a cabinet underneath the body of the machine,
perhaps there are still some recordings left behind.

Long description: A slowly-deteriorating victrola still spins on a wooden pedestal.
This item can be found in Winterborn Mansion.