Item: a crate of cargo
Item 'a crate of cargo' is type container, alignment 0, made of wood,
has keywords 'cargo crate box'.
This item weighs 3 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 22,750 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: none
The lid of this crate has F W stamped on it in red lettering, indicating
it is one of the myriad of crates belonging to the Feisty Wench. The top,
however, has been prised off and from the scratches and scrapes on the side
of the box it is clear that someone was in a hurry to look at its contents.
Inside everything is a chaotic mess; there are shards of glass from broken
bottles, unwound reels of thread and dried foodstuffs torn from its
Long description: An opened box of cargo has been deposited here.
This item can be found in The Wreck of the Feisty Wench.
has keywords 'cargo crate box'.
This item weighs 3 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 22,750 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: none
The lid of this crate has F W stamped on it in red lettering, indicating
it is one of the myriad of crates belonging to the Feisty Wench. The top,
however, has been prised off and from the scratches and scrapes on the side
of the box it is clear that someone was in a hurry to look at its contents.
Inside everything is a chaotic mess; there are shards of glass from broken
bottles, unwound reels of thread and dried foodstuffs torn from its
Long description: An opened box of cargo has been deposited here.
This item can be found in The Wreck of the Feisty Wench.