Item: some trollish taffy
Item 'some trollish taffy' is type food, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'trollish taffy candy'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 6,250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 100 minutes of sustenance.
This glob of trollish tabby has been wrapped in black and orange paper.
Tasting of peanut butter, it sticks to one's teeth in a sort of devilish
manner. This would be a good way to keep some little nippers quiet for a
time while they loosen the taffy from their teeth.
Long description: Some trollish taffy wapped in black and orange paper lays here.
This item can be found in All Spirits Eve Global.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Trick or Treat' from Lady Undya.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in All Spirits Eve Global by the mob 'A candy goblin'.
has keywords 'trollish taffy candy'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 6,250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 100 minutes of sustenance.
This glob of trollish tabby has been wrapped in black and orange paper.
Tasting of peanut butter, it sticks to one's teeth in a sort of devilish
manner. This would be a good way to keep some little nippers quiet for a
time while they loosen the taffy from their teeth.
Long description: Some trollish taffy wapped in black and orange paper lays here.
This item can be found in All Spirits Eve Global.
*This item is a reward from the quest 'Trick or Treat' from Lady Undya.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in All Spirits Eve Global by the mob 'A candy goblin'.