Item: some purple berries
Item 'some purple berries' is type food, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'edible berries'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: virtual
When eaten, this food will give 40 minutes of sustenance.
These small purple berries both look and smell very strange, you are able
to identify them as lannyam berries, and a type you know not to be
poisonous. You consider that very lucky because you are starving and these
berries, although they are not very appetizing or tasty, just have to do for
a meal. Especially since you have not been able to find anything else to
eat, and because you dont know when you will be able to find any other food.
Long description: Some purple berries grow on a nearby thorny plant.
This item can be found in Verity Isle.
has keywords 'edible berries'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: virtual
When eaten, this food will give 40 minutes of sustenance.
These small purple berries both look and smell very strange, you are able
to identify them as lannyam berries, and a type you know not to be
poisonous. You consider that very lucky because you are starving and these
berries, although they are not very appetizing or tasty, just have to do for
a meal. Especially since you have not been able to find anything else to
eat, and because you dont know when you will be able to find any other food.
Long description: Some purple berries grow on a nearby thorny plant.
This item can be found in Verity Isle.