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Cwn Annwn

Item: the broadsword of the Innocent

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Item 'the broadsword of the Innocent' is type weapon, alignment 990, made of silver,
has keywords 'steel hilted broadsword sword silver innocent', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 51,800 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: insulated nochange blessed magic-resistant invis unique
Weapon type is two-handed-sword, does 225 points of holy-wrath damage for 4 stamina, accuracy 14.
Affects damage by 16.
Affects sanity by -8.
*Your pcc-weapon must be equal to 100 to use this item.
*Your proficiency in 'sword' must be equal to 100 to use this item.
*Your proficiency in 'two-handed sword' must be greater than or equal to 85 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
This broadsword is crafted of a reinforced silver alloy, but the hilt is
made of steel wrapped tightly with reddish leather.  Written in runes along
the blade is the word, 'Innocence'.  The holy weapon with which the innocent
may slay the impure, there can be no blade as swift, no justice as
merciless, nor catechism as wrathful as this.

+++ The Innocent equipment has, at a rate of 2% each per round when
fighting, or at a rate of 3% randomly, of producing a variety of effects:  
If 1 piece is worn, the effect produced will heal its wearer for 50 hp.  
If 2 pieces are worn, the effect produced will heal its wearer for 65 sp.  
If 3 pieces are worn, the effect produced will heal its wearer for 65
hp/sp/st, or 250 hp/sp/st if its wearer is a witch.  
If 4 pieces are worn, the effect produced will cast 'cure blindness' on its
wearer if they are affected by 'blindness'.  
If 5 pieces are worn, the effect produced will cast 'enervation' on its
If 6 pieces are worn, the effect produced will cast 'leech' on its target..  
If 7 pieces are worn, the effect produced will sap 100-300 sp from its
If 8 pieces are worn, the effect produced has a chance to heal its wearer
for 500 hp or 500 sp, at a rate of 50%.  
If 9 pieces are worn, the effect produced will cast 'aura cleansing' on its
If 10 pieces are worn, the effect produced will cast with equal frequecy
'firebolt' or 'icebolt' on its target.  
The effects are cumulatively and combinatory.

We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Magencia.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Magencia by the mob 'A mass of souls'.
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