Item: the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung
Item 'the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung' is type weapon, alignment -700, made of mithril,
has keywords 'parasite riddled barchi infamous assadottir wormtung writhing', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 97 pebbles, and is valued at 59,900 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse unbreakable no-sac magic-resistant invis bind-on-wear
This item has a default lifespan of 768 days.
Weapon type is lance, does 225 points of disease damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 10.
Special weapon attributes: poisoned
Affects accuracy by 2.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -350 to use this item.
*Your level must be greater than or equal to 241 to use this item.
*Your race must be something other than sidhe to use this item.
This item has 2 empty Relic bindings.
*This item may be repaired 15 times and renewed 4 times.
Riddled with writhing maggots, starving flatworms and skitterish ticks, this
mithril barchi now matches the approximate integrity of the body of
Assadottir Wormtung. Separated spatially by mystery, vengeance and a
dishonorable burial, creator and former possession are joined at least
spiritually, in their consumption of malignancies and cancers, and an
intense hatred of the invisible.
+++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting, a
chance to dismount a mounted PC opponent, at a rate of 6% per round.
+++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting and at
random, a chance to remove the spell 'detect invisibility' from its wearer,
at a rate of 6% per round and 9% otherwise.
We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Curse of Xazra by the mob 'MEGAFATHER'.
has keywords 'parasite riddled barchi infamous assadottir wormtung writhing', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 97 pebbles, and is valued at 59,900 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse unbreakable no-sac magic-resistant invis bind-on-wear
This item has a default lifespan of 768 days.
Weapon type is lance, does 225 points of disease damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 10.
Special weapon attributes: poisoned
Affects accuracy by 2.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -350 to use this item.
*Your level must be greater than or equal to 241 to use this item.
*Your race must be something other than sidhe to use this item.
This item has 2 empty Relic bindings.
*This item may be repaired 15 times and renewed 4 times.
Riddled with writhing maggots, starving flatworms and skitterish ticks, this
mithril barchi now matches the approximate integrity of the body of
Assadottir Wormtung. Separated spatially by mystery, vengeance and a
dishonorable burial, creator and former possession are joined at least
spiritually, in their consumption of malignancies and cancers, and an
intense hatred of the invisible.
+++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting, a
chance to dismount a mounted PC opponent, at a rate of 6% per round.
+++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting and at
random, a chance to remove the spell 'detect invisibility' from its wearer,
at a rate of 6% per round and 9% otherwise.
We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Curse of Xazra by the mob 'MEGAFATHER'.
+++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting, a chance to dismount a mounted PC opponent, at a rate of 6% per round. +++ the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung has, when fighting and at random, a chance to remove the spell 'detect invisibility' from its wearer, at a rate of 2% per round and 3% otherwise. |
Scripts on this weapon:
This item may be repaired 15 times and renewed 4 times. |
Limited renewals:
- Item 'the spiked drowish kneepads of Assadottir Wormtung' - Item 'the infamous barchi of Assadottir Wormtung' Affects damage by 25 (Requires 2 items). Affects disease-prcnt by 12 (Requires 2 items). Affects mount-speed by 5 (Requires 2 items). Affects fire-spell-prcnt by -50 (Requires 2 items). Alters power of 'magical items' by 5 (Requires 2 items). |
This is part of the 'Wormtung's Legacy' set.