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Item: a plain stone altar

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Item 'a plain stone altar' is type artifact, alignment 0, made of stone,
has keywords 'altar plain'.
This item weighs 50 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 50,500 gp.
This level 220 item has the attributes: insulated unbreakable nodecay blessed no-sac nohide
Standing about three feet tall and almost the same distance in width, a
plain, stone altar occupies the room.  The altar is completely featureless
and gray, devoid of any markings to show to whom the altar is dedicated.
The base of the altar is broad and narrows towards the middle.  Nearing the
top of the altar, it flairs out and provides a flat, smooth surface allowing
for objects and funds of worship to be placed.

Long description: A plain altar made of stone fills the center of the room.
This item can be found in New Kolvir.