Item: the barbarian's fighting ring
Item 'the barbarian's fighting ring' is type furniture, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'barbarians fighting ring circle chalk white'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 107,100 gp.
This level 121 item has the attributes: nodecay no-sac
The barbarian's fighting ring is where all of the most honorable, most
savage, most fighteringest barbarians go to do battle. Strengthened by
their convictions, their bodily awesomenes, and the glory of their
predecessors, they do maximum damage to one another on the battlefield.
Hastily drawn in temporary chalk, anywhere can be a temple of cathartic
bloodletting, as everyone knows a barbarian is always ready for a fight.
Historically, barbarians dueled with knives while their left arms were tied
together; however, this policy rapidly reduced the number of both barbarians
and spectators. Now, fighters prefer thrown weapons, and gain mightily from
their usage within the circle.
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This item can be found in Random Area.
has keywords 'barbarians fighting ring circle chalk white'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 107,100 gp.
This level 121 item has the attributes: nodecay no-sac
The barbarian's fighting ring is where all of the most honorable, most
savage, most fighteringest barbarians go to do battle. Strengthened by
their convictions, their bodily awesomenes, and the glory of their
predecessors, they do maximum damage to one another on the battlefield.
Hastily drawn in temporary chalk, anywhere can be a temple of cathartic
bloodletting, as everyone knows a barbarian is always ready for a fight.
Historically, barbarians dueled with knives while their left arms were tied
together; however, this policy rapidly reduced the number of both barbarians
and spectators. Now, fighters prefer thrown weapons, and gain mightily from
their usage within the circle.
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This item can be found in Random Area.