Item: a snowflake patterned bag
Item 'a snowflake patterned bag' is type container, alignment 0, made of leather,
has keywords 'bag canvas patterned snowflake blue'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 50 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-rent
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable closed
This bag was simply made but with much love and care. The tough leather is
a deep blue and the stitches are chalk-white, etched along the seams as
beautifully intricate snowflakes. It isn't particularly durable and there
appears to be nothing magical about it, simply a container for the storage
of goods while traveling.
Long description: A simple blue bag with snowflake stitches has been dropped off here.
This item can be found in Holiday/Seasonal.
has keywords 'bag canvas patterned snowflake blue'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 50 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-rent
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable closed
This bag was simply made but with much love and care. The tough leather is
a deep blue and the stitches are chalk-white, etched along the seams as
beautifully intricate snowflakes. It isn't particularly durable and there
appears to be nothing magical about it, simply a container for the storage
of goods while traveling.
Long description: A simple blue bag with snowflake stitches has been dropped off here.
This item can be found in Holiday/Seasonal.