Item: a delicious snickerdoodle cookie
Item 'a delicious snickerdoodle cookie' is type food, alignment 0, made of food,
has keywords 'snickerdoodle sugar cookie'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 10 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: no-rent vanish-if-dropped
When eaten, this food will give 10 minutes of sustenance.
Circular in shape and a golden brown, this cookie was sprinkled with a light
brown powder, closer examination reveals its cinnamon sugar Tentatively
taking a whiff of the cookie, it smells delightful and instantly your mouth
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This item can be found in Holiday/Seasonal.
has keywords 'snickerdoodle sugar cookie'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 2 pebbles, and is valued at 10 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: no-rent vanish-if-dropped
When eaten, this food will give 10 minutes of sustenance.
Circular in shape and a golden brown, this cookie was sprinkled with a light
brown powder, closer examination reveals its cinnamon sugar Tentatively
taking a whiff of the cookie, it smells delightful and instantly your mouth
We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Holiday/Seasonal.