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Cwn Annwn

Item: the broadaxe of ultimate evil

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Item 'the broadaxe of ultimate evil' is type weapon, alignment -968, made of ivory,
has keywords 'broadaxe ultimate evil navy ivory icy pall piece', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 55,400 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse unbreakable nochange no-npc
Weapon type is axe, does 226 points of slash damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 13.
*Your alignment must be less than or equal to -500 to use this item.
*Your race must be something other than minotaur to use this item.
*Your race must be something other than sidhe to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 7 times.
This is part of the 'A manifesation of evil' set.
- Item 'a talisman of ultimate evil'
- Item 'the broadaxe of ultimate evil'
Affects ar by 3 (Requires 2 items).
Affects saving-spell by -4 (Requires 2 items).
It is a black ivory axe, its blade about the size of a large infant, corded
onto a hefty ash tree branch.  Symbols of death and other icons of evil have
been carved into the surface of the shaft.  The ivory seems to absorb light
and heat.  The entire weapon has a deadening aura, leaving your fingers numb
to the touch.  

+++ the broadaxe of ultimate evil will, on characters with alignment over
-600, cast with equal frequency 'curse' or 'frost', when worn.

+++ a broadaxe of ultimate evil has, when fighting, a random chance to
transfer in order slow, web, or curse, at a base rate of 2.5%.  Its wearer
must be evil, and its target must be good; the frequency is doubled for
witches; and the frequency lowers as the difference in alignments shrinks.

We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
Syll Special weapon attributes: echoing-strike
When casting frost, has a 1.50% chance to transform into an icebolt.