Item: A wooden infant's changing table
Item 'A wooden infant's changing table' is type furniture, alignment 0, made of wood,
has keywords 'infants changing table'.
This item weighs 10 stones and 15 pebbles, and is valued at 2,380 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-sac
Upon closer inspection of the changing table, you notice it is not all
that clean. You think you better not touch it without washing your hands
Long description: An infant changing table is here for your convenience.
This item can be found in Chat Rooms.
has keywords 'infants changing table'.
This item weighs 10 stones and 15 pebbles, and is valued at 2,380 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-sac
Upon closer inspection of the changing table, you notice it is not all
that clean. You think you better not touch it without washing your hands
Long description: An infant changing table is here for your convenience.
This item can be found in Chat Rooms.