Item: a barbed torture whip
Item 'a barbed torture whip' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of none,
has keywords 'scourge whip barbed'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 31,300 gp.
This level 241 item has no special attributes.
Weapon type is exotic, does 180 points of other damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 12.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
The knights of Chanctonbury have taken this orc war especially personally,
and items like this may be the reason why. No knight, or even orc, deserves
lashes from this weapon. It has tiny spikes along the tail, small enough
that they would cause extensive bleeding but not puncture any organs. The
lash itself is a hardened leather, and its impact alone would cause welts
and scarring after only a few clean shots. If any knight catches the
torturer who has used this weapon, he could be in for an unpleasant end.
Long description: A barbed whip lays in the rack, part of its tail accessible.
This item can be found in Chanctonbury Woods.
has keywords 'scourge whip barbed'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 31,300 gp.
This level 241 item has no special attributes.
Weapon type is exotic, does 180 points of other damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 12.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
The knights of Chanctonbury have taken this orc war especially personally,
and items like this may be the reason why. No knight, or even orc, deserves
lashes from this weapon. It has tiny spikes along the tail, small enough
that they would cause extensive bleeding but not puncture any organs. The
lash itself is a hardened leather, and its impact alone would cause welts
and scarring after only a few clean shots. If any knight catches the
torturer who has used this weapon, he could be in for an unpleasant end.
Long description: A barbed whip lays in the rack, part of its tail accessible.
This item can be found in Chanctonbury Woods.