Item: an oak chest
Item 'an oak chest' is type container, alignment 0, made of wood,
has keywords 'oak chest'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 890 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-sac
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable pickproof closed locked
This large chest is made from the finest oak available, and was probably
stolen by the orcs during one of their raids on a city. Whatever they now
keep inside must be very valuable. The lock is made from iron and is
unbreakable. One of the guards in this area must have the key that will
allow you to open the chest.
Long description: A large oak chest is here.
This item can be found in Dungeon Wroth.
has keywords 'oak chest'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 890 gp.
This level 15 item has the attributes: no-sac
Capacity: 15 items. Maximum weight: 3 st, 50 pb. Flags: closeable pickproof closed locked
This large chest is made from the finest oak available, and was probably
stolen by the orcs during one of their raids on a city. Whatever they now
keep inside must be very valuable. The lock is made from iron and is
unbreakable. One of the guards in this area must have the key that will
allow you to open the chest.
Long description: A large oak chest is here.
This item can be found in Dungeon Wroth.