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Item: an ornamental pond

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Item 'an ornamental pond' is type fountain, alignment 0, made of pearl,
has keywords 'fountain pond'.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 20,000 gp.
This level 1 item has the attributes: insulated no-sac
This item is filled with water.
A beautiful pond stands off to the side of the road, with ornate decorations
around the edges.  Prisms of color spring from the reflected surface of the
water.  A beautiful sign stands next to it, adorned with small freshwater

Long description: A lush ornamental pond is off to the side of the road.
This item can be found in Sigil Realty.
The Pond

The solitude of the water
birds chirping their merry choruses
A reflection of geese flying in their "V"
ducks wading in the corner.

A summer breeze barely rocks the willow branches
long cattails high in air
Small plants crowded along the water's edge
beautiful flowers in the bloom along the sandy banks.

Fish swimming in the murkey depths
a pop of a turtle coming up for air
The calling of a frog to a friend
the occasional splash of a beaver or muskrat.

A small island, slightly submergedfrom erosion
seeing the tranquil waves gently flow across
The relaxation of just watching
just watching the pond.