Item: a spiked head basher
Item 'a spiked head basher' is type weapon, alignment -500, made of wood,
has keywords 'head basher spiked club mace', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 23,850 gp.
This level 50 item has the attributes: insulated
Weapon type is mace, does 47 points of bash damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 10.
Special weapon attributes: battering
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
This weapon's genius is found within its simple design. It boasts
hundreds of short spikes, arranged in no particular fashion, around a piece
of rough, raw wood. The troglodytes use them mostly for bashing people over
the head and killing them with a few powerful blows at close range.
Long description: Someone has dropped a piece of wood imbedded with short metal spikes here.
This item can be found in Troglodyte Village.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Troglodyte Village by the mob 'A troglodyte guardian'.
has keywords 'head basher spiked club mace', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 23,850 gp.
This level 50 item has the attributes: insulated
Weapon type is mace, does 47 points of bash damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 10.
Special weapon attributes: battering
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
This weapon's genius is found within its simple design. It boasts
hundreds of short spikes, arranged in no particular fashion, around a piece
of rough, raw wood. The troglodytes use them mostly for bashing people over
the head and killing them with a few powerful blows at close range.
Long description: Someone has dropped a piece of wood imbedded with short metal spikes here.
This item can be found in Troglodyte Village.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Troglodyte Village by the mob 'A troglodyte guardian'.