Item: a fresh campfire
Item 'a fresh campfire' is type light, alignment 0, made of energy,
has keywords 'camp fire campfire freshly'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: no-sac virtual nohide no-bury
*This light source will last indefinitely.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
Someone or something has gathered a bunch of stones into a circle,
placing twigs and larger sticks within it and igniting it. This obvious
campfire kept someone warm, or fed. If the creator is not presently here,
where may he be... Perhaps he is stalking you.
Long description: A freshly made campfire burns here brightly.
This item can be found in Sigil Underground.
has keywords 'camp fire campfire freshly'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 1 gp.
This level 5 item has the attributes: no-sac virtual nohide no-bury
*This light source will last indefinitely.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
Someone or something has gathered a bunch of stones into a circle,
placing twigs and larger sticks within it and igniting it. This obvious
campfire kept someone warm, or fed. If the creator is not presently here,
where may he be... Perhaps he is stalking you.
Long description: A freshly made campfire burns here brightly.
This item can be found in Sigil Underground.