Item: the hideous screaming skull of regret
Item 'the hideous screaming skull of regret' is type statue, alignment 0, made of none,
has keywords 'hideous screaming skull regret bloody quiet'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 25 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
Going by the clan secretaries' old record books scattered around the hall,
the skull took up residence here decades ago, simply showing up one day.
Never leaving or shutting up, it quickly became a fixture, letting out a
bloodcurdling scream whenever anyone nearby forgot something, like to pay
the clan taxes, or to root, or to memorize a spell they might need, or
pretty much anything. People seemed to forget things rather frequently,
because by all accounts, it never didn't scream. Maybe it will fare better
in your company.
Long description: A hideous, bloody skull is suspended on the wall, quiet and well-behaved.
This item can be found in Old Amaunet Clan Hall.
has keywords 'hideous screaming skull regret bloody quiet'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 25 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
Going by the clan secretaries' old record books scattered around the hall,
the skull took up residence here decades ago, simply showing up one day.
Never leaving or shutting up, it quickly became a fixture, letting out a
bloodcurdling scream whenever anyone nearby forgot something, like to pay
the clan taxes, or to root, or to memorize a spell they might need, or
pretty much anything. People seemed to forget things rather frequently,
because by all accounts, it never didn't scream. Maybe it will fare better
in your company.
Long description: A hideous, bloody skull is suspended on the wall, quiet and well-behaved.
This item can be found in Old Amaunet Clan Hall.