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Cwn Annwn

Item: a didactic parchment

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Item 'a didactic parchment' is type manual, alignment 0, made of paper,
has keywords 'parchment didactic single sheet paper'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 25 gp.
This level 1 item has the attributes: blessed unique bind-on-take vendor-nostock
This manual contains learning techniques that will alter none up to 0 points.
This heavy sheet of paper is filled with fine script and illustrations.
Each of the several columns contains various techniques and exercises that
the average person can use to increase their prowess in one of the many fine
arts of a successful adventurer.  

Long description: This single sheet of paper has been deserted.
This item can be found in Generic Rewards.
The type that you get from daily rewards doesn't seem to decay.