Item: a very long, very pointy feather duster
Item 'a very long, very pointy feather duster' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of unknown-alloy,
has keywords 'very long pointy feather duster polearm fourpointthree', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 10 pebbles, and is valued at 31,000 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: magic-resistant no-rent always-equipment-index
Weapon type is polearm, does 181 points of other damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 11.
Affects accuracy by 4.
Affects damage by 34.
Affects hp by 52.
*Your The Mark of Hilarity must be equal to True to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This is part of the 'The Forbidden Weapons' set.
- Item 'a blackened bovine skull necklace'
- Item 'the gloves of murder'
- Item 'the boots of filth'
- Item 'a very long, very pointy feather duster'
- Item 'the mask of the nemesis'
Affects spell-points by 200 (Requires 4 items).
Affects hp by 200 (Requires 3 items).
Affects ar by 5 (Requires 6 items).
Affects damage by 25 (Requires 5 items).
+++ a very long, very pointy feather duster has a chance, in combat, to
tickle its wielder's PC opponent, distracting them for between -1 and -5
sanity for 3 minutes, at a rate of 15% per combat round.
Long description: A very long and pointy feather duster has been laid to rest here.
This item can be found in A Ghost Town.
has keywords 'very long pointy feather duster polearm fourpointthree', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 10 pebbles, and is valued at 31,000 gp.
This level 241 item has the attributes: magic-resistant no-rent always-equipment-index
Weapon type is polearm, does 181 points of other damage for 3 stamina, accuracy 11.
Affects accuracy by 4.
Affects damage by 34.
Affects hp by 52.
*Your The Mark of Hilarity must be equal to True to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This is part of the 'The Forbidden Weapons' set.
- Item 'a blackened bovine skull necklace'
- Item 'the gloves of murder'
- Item 'the boots of filth'
- Item 'a very long, very pointy feather duster'
- Item 'the mask of the nemesis'
Affects spell-points by 200 (Requires 4 items).
Affects hp by 200 (Requires 3 items).
Affects ar by 5 (Requires 6 items).
Affects damage by 25 (Requires 5 items).
+++ a very long, very pointy feather duster has a chance, in combat, to
tickle its wielder's PC opponent, distracting them for between -1 and -5
sanity for 3 minutes, at a rate of 15% per combat round.
Long description: A very long and pointy feather duster has been laid to rest here.
This item can be found in A Ghost Town.