Item: a magical chest
Item 'a magical chest' is type container, alignment 0, made of none,
has keywords 'treasure chest magical astral octarine light'.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 23,125 gp.
This level 25 item has the attributes: unbreakable nodecay no-sac no-bury
Capacity: 25 items. Maximum weight: 5 st, 0 pb. Flags: closeable
A treasure chest glows with an inner octarine light, shining the color
of magic.
Long description: A treasure chest glows with an inner octarine light, shining the color of magic.
This item can be found in Dungeon Odious.
has keywords 'treasure chest magical astral octarine light'.
This item weighs 1 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 23,125 gp.
This level 25 item has the attributes: unbreakable nodecay no-sac no-bury
Capacity: 25 items. Maximum weight: 5 st, 0 pb. Flags: closeable
A treasure chest glows with an inner octarine light, shining the color
of magic.
Long description: A treasure chest glows with an inner octarine light, shining the color of magic.
This item can be found in Dungeon Odious.