Item: a small turquoise egg
Item 'a small turquoise egg' is type food, alignment 25, made of organic,
has keywords 'turquoise chocolate egg '.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 110 item has the attributes: no-auction blessed vanish-if-dropped
When eaten, this food will give 5 minutes of sustenance.
Covered in a thin piece of turquoise colored paper, this small, solid
chocolate egg has been magically created by some unknown force. Tiny
patterns of miniature animals in a variety of bright colors have been
delicately painted onto the paper wrapping the egg. This egg has been
created to help people of all ages celebrate in the joys of new life.
Long description: A chocolate egg wrapped in a turguoise colored paper has been left here.
This item can be found in Quest Reward.
has keywords 'turquoise chocolate egg '.
This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 110 item has the attributes: no-auction blessed vanish-if-dropped
When eaten, this food will give 5 minutes of sustenance.
Covered in a thin piece of turquoise colored paper, this small, solid
chocolate egg has been magically created by some unknown force. Tiny
patterns of miniature animals in a variety of bright colors have been
delicately painted onto the paper wrapping the egg. This egg has been
created to help people of all ages celebrate in the joys of new life.
Long description: A chocolate egg wrapped in a turguoise colored paper has been left here.
This item can be found in Quest Reward.