Item: a sling of great repute
Item 'a sling of great repute' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of leather,
has keywords 'sling great repute giantkiller', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 30 pebbles, and is valued at 33,875 gp.
This level 203 item has the attributes: insulated unbreakable no-npc level-adjusted no-tweak no-repair bind-on-take
Weapon type is slug-thrower, does 128 points of pierce damage for 1 stamina, accuracy 9.
Special weapon attributes: echoing-strike
Affects damage-splash-absolute by 15.
Affects hp by 50.
*Your alignment must be greater than or equal to 300 to use this item.
*Your class-level must be greater than or equal to 60 to use this item.
*Your current-roomflag must be equal to safe to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
+++ a sling of great repute will deal [wielder's # of classes * 60] damage
per round to any PC 7' tall or larger.
Long description: A sling lies on the ground.
This item can be found in Alyria.
has keywords 'sling great repute giantkiller', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 30 pebbles, and is valued at 33,875 gp.
This level 203 item has the attributes: insulated unbreakable no-npc level-adjusted no-tweak no-repair bind-on-take
Weapon type is slug-thrower, does 128 points of pierce damage for 1 stamina, accuracy 9.
Special weapon attributes: echoing-strike
Affects damage-splash-absolute by 15.
Affects hp by 50.
*Your alignment must be greater than or equal to 300 to use this item.
*Your class-level must be greater than or equal to 60 to use this item.
*Your current-roomflag must be equal to safe to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 5 times.
+++ a sling of great repute will deal [wielder's # of classes * 60] damage
per round to any PC 7' tall or larger.
Long description: A sling lies on the ground.
This item can be found in Alyria.