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Cwn Annwn

Item: a herbalist's sack

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This item is an oldstat version. A newer one may be available.
Item 'a herbalist's sack' is type container, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'herbalist sack'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 10,500 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse nouncurse unbreakable nodecay no-sac will-float no-mimic owner-only save-location weight-reducer
Capacity: 200 items. Maximum weight: 5 st, 0 pb. Flags: closeable closed seethrough
Somehow imbued with the same mystical weight-reducing enchantment as those
of the infamous sorcerer Vandemaar's trunks, this small bag is cool to the
touch and made from some tough woven material.  It doesn't look too special:
a simple cord on top draws it closed, while a stiff leather hook on the side
allows it to be attached to a pack or belt.  As for who the original owner
might be or how they had such strong magic on their bag of herbs, the modern
world may never know.  Unless they come back for it.  

We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Quest Item.
This 2-slot item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 10,500 gold.
Removed from game?
No longer sold by Lady Undya.