Item: an antique dwarven weapon
Item 'an antique dwarven weapon' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of unknown,
has keywords 'dwarven antique weapon', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 20 pebbles, and is valued at 22,850 gp.
This level 30 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse bind-on-wear
Weapon type is sword, does 30 points of pierce damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 14.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This dwarven antique looks battered and damaged, but seems to be hidden
under a thick layer of soil, dirt and general grime accumulated over ages.
As for why dwarven weapons are scattered here, you may never know.
This antique has been cleaned up to reveal a sword.
Long description: An antique dwarven weapon rests here, hidden by layers of dirt and grime.
This item can be found in Rune Forest.
has keywords 'dwarven antique weapon', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 20 pebbles, and is valued at 22,850 gp.
This level 30 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse bind-on-wear
Weapon type is sword, does 30 points of pierce damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 14.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This dwarven antique looks battered and damaged, but seems to be hidden
under a thick layer of soil, dirt and general grime accumulated over ages.
As for why dwarven weapons are scattered here, you may never know.
This antique has been cleaned up to reveal a sword.
Long description: An antique dwarven weapon rests here, hidden by layers of dirt and grime.
This item can be found in Rune Forest.