Item: an unholy tome
Item 'an unholy tome' is type book, alignment 0, made of paper,
has keywords 'PLAYER_NAME tomePLAYER_NAME tome sombar unholy'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 4 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 35 item has the attributes: nodrop insulated nouncurse nodecay no-sac owner-only no-donate save-location
*This item may be repaired 7 times.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
This book is covered in soil, stained with some dark, metallic liquid, and
bound tightly by chains and admantite straps. There's no opening it, but
perhaps someone else might be able to. It's strangely light, despite the
size, and falls in slow motion to the ground. A faint whispering comes from
it; probably not something that'd be tolerable for long, especially when it
worms its way into your brain. Either leave it alone, or turn it in.
Long description: An unholy tome lies here.
This item can be found in Rune Forest.
has keywords 'PLAYER_NAME tomePLAYER_NAME tome sombar unholy'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 4 pebbles, and is valued at 0 gp.
This level 35 item has the attributes: nodrop insulated nouncurse nodecay no-sac owner-only no-donate save-location
*This item may be repaired 7 times.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
This book is covered in soil, stained with some dark, metallic liquid, and
bound tightly by chains and admantite straps. There's no opening it, but
perhaps someone else might be able to. It's strangely light, despite the
size, and falls in slow motion to the ground. A faint whispering comes from
it; probably not something that'd be tolerable for long, especially when it
worms its way into your brain. Either leave it alone, or turn it in.
Long description: An unholy tome lies here.
This item can be found in Rune Forest.