Item: a Tanbluck war chest
Item 'a Tanbluck war chest' is type container, alignment 0, made of none,
has keywords 'tanbluck war chest rewardunit'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 30 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodrop insulated wont-fuse nouncurse unbreakable nodecay no-dispel blessed magic-resistant will-float weight-reducer
Capacity: 25 items. Maximum weight: 5 st, 0 pb. Flags: closeable closed
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
The Tanbluck Battlemages were one of the original mystery cults of northern
Beltane; although their rites and traditions buried themselves in the sands
of time and the Lynos. Although little is known of their craftsmanship,
beliefs or even existence, rare examples of their armaments still exist,
occasionally dug up from beneath the sands of time. This is one such
container, a chest wrapped in unyielding chains that weighs surprisingly
little for its size. Thick leather straps run down the base, allowing it to
be slung across a shoulder or back and forgotten - until the battle comes.
Additional information about this item:
This container is flagged as weight-reducer, meaning that any items placed
inside are considered weightless. You can enhance this item's carrying
capabity and item limits with the voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war
chest, up to 40 stones and 200 items.
This item can be found in Donation Item.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Towne of Rune by 'Edric Van Pelt'.
has keywords 'tanbluck war chest rewardunit'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 50 pebbles, and is valued at 30 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodrop insulated wont-fuse nouncurse unbreakable nodecay no-dispel blessed magic-resistant will-float weight-reducer
Capacity: 25 items. Maximum weight: 5 st, 0 pb. Flags: closeable closed
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
The Tanbluck Battlemages were one of the original mystery cults of northern
Beltane; although their rites and traditions buried themselves in the sands
of time and the Lynos. Although little is known of their craftsmanship,
beliefs or even existence, rare examples of their armaments still exist,
occasionally dug up from beneath the sands of time. This is one such
container, a chest wrapped in unyielding chains that weighs surprisingly
little for its size. Thick leather straps run down the base, allowing it to
be slung across a shoulder or back and forgotten - until the battle comes.
Additional information about this item:
This container is flagged as weight-reducer, meaning that any items placed
inside are considered weightless. You can enhance this item's carrying
capabity and item limits with the voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war
chest, up to 40 stones and 200 items.
This item can be found in Donation Item.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Towne of Rune by 'Edric Van Pelt'.