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Item: a voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war chest

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Item 'a voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war chest' is type treasure, alignment 0, made of paper,
has keywords 'voucher enhancement weight rewardunits ru'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 1 pebbles, and is valued at 30 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: unbreakable nodecay no-dispel no-steal owner-only
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This voucher is written in an archaic form, with calligraphy so full of
curlicues as to be nearly illegible.  It appears that it possesses the
supernatural ability to alter the very nature of certain magical items.

+++ a voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war chest will, when a
Tanbluck war chest is held in the hand, increase the maximum weight of the
chest by 5 st, and item carrying capacity by 25 items.

+++ a voucher for enhancement of a Tanbluck war chest has minimum level
and Vandemaar's trunk requirements:
    10 st, 50 items: level 60, 0 trunks.
    15 st, 75 items: level 120, 1 trunk.
    20 st, 100 items: level 180, 2 trunks.
    25 st, 125 items: level 240, 3 trunks.
    30 st, 150 items: level 241, 4 trunks.
    35 st, 175 items: level 241, 4 trunks.
    40 st, 200 items: level 241, 4 trunks.

We are missing the long description for this item. Please log in and submit it if you can.
This item can be found in Donation Item.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Towne of Rune by 'Edric Van Pelt'.