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Item: a statue of Vatulla, first of the Manari

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Item 'a statue of Vatulla, first of the Manari' is type furniture, alignment 0, made of stone,
has keywords 'vatulla first manari statue'.
This item weighs 75 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 128,500 gp.
This level 500 item has the attributes: unbreakable nodecay magic-resistant
Monuments erected to honor an individual or collective whose remains are not
buried locally, cenotaphs are closer to statues dedicated in memoriam than
headstones.  In many instances, cenotaphs are created for those whose bodies
could not be found, or were disposed of by whatever killed them.  

Long description: A statue portraying the first of the Manari is here.
This item can be found in The Indestructible Cenotaphy.