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Item: a splendid little war

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Item 'a splendid little war' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of admantite,
has keywords 'massive splendid little war rewardunits donation ru evolving', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 15 pebbles, and is valued at 102,750 gp.
This level 10 item has the attributes: nodecay no-dispel magic-resistant donation level-adjusted bind-on-take unenforced-weapon-proficiency
Weapon type is sword, does 20 points of slash damage for 2 stamina, accuracy 13.
Special weapon attributes: vampiric vorpal serrated
Grants knowledge of 'sword' at 100%.
+++ a splendid little war will, each time it is used to strike the killing
blow against a category 5+ boss, grant its archon wielder +[the sum of
category 5+ bosses killed's categories] AP.

+++ A splendid little war will, when USEd, cast 'concentration' on its
wielder, a maximum of once every 8 Alyrian minutes.

Long description: A massive sword is here.
This item can be found in Donation Item.
Syll Originated from this;
This is part of the 'The Holidaze Outfit' set.
You are currently wearing all 2 items from the set.
* Item 'a splendid little war'
* Item 'a splendid glass piece'
Alters power of 'vacuum evocation' by 10 (Requires 2 items).
Alters power of 'augment aura' by 60 (Requires 2 items).
Alters power of 'desecrate armor' by 30 (Requires 2 items).
Alters power of 'disjunction' by 25 (Requires 2 items).