Item: a rotten shovel handle stolen from a geist
Item 'a rotten shovel handle stolen from a geist' is type relic, alignment 0, made of none,
has keywords 'relic rotten slimy shovel handle stolen geist'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 885 gp.
This level 35 item has the attributes: no-tweak bind-on-take
This item has a default lifespan of 90 days.
This is a class relic requiring 1 binding slot.
Affects dig by 10.
*Your level must be less than or equal to 120 to use this item.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
This handle is smeared with a mush of rotting flesh which has penetrated the
wood of this handle. There are flies buzzing around it alongside a small
maggot that keeps popping its head out as it devours morsels of flesh. This
is a typical handle to a shovel used to dig graves but, due to its current
condition, it can be assumed that a geist has helped the gravedigger to rest
in pieces.
Long description: A tool handle sits here, appearing slimy and rotten.
This item can be found in Quest Reward.
has keywords 'relic rotten slimy shovel handle stolen geist'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 0 pebbles, and is valued at 885 gp.
This level 35 item has the attributes: no-tweak bind-on-take
This item has a default lifespan of 90 days.
This is a class relic requiring 1 binding slot.
Affects dig by 10.
*Your level must be less than or equal to 120 to use this item.
*This item has a limit of [1] per character.
This handle is smeared with a mush of rotting flesh which has penetrated the
wood of this handle. There are flies buzzing around it alongside a small
maggot that keeps popping its head out as it devours morsels of flesh. This
is a typical handle to a shovel used to dig graves but, due to its current
condition, it can be assumed that a geist has helped the gravedigger to rest
in pieces.
Long description: A tool handle sits here, appearing slimy and rotten.
This item can be found in Quest Reward.
Syll | One of the many relics granted from the new lasler meta quest ( |