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Item: a wand of wonder

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Item 'a wand of wonder' is type weapon, alignment 0, made of meteorite,
has keywords 'oak wand wonder narrow metallic spiral', equipped wielded as a weapon.
This item weighs 0 stones and 8 pebbles, and is valued at 31,500 gp.
This level 120 item has the attributes: unbreakable no-dispel untaintable-affects
Weapon type is magical-wand, does 110 points of energy damage for 1 stamina, accuracy 15.
Special weapon attributes: serrated
Affects damage by -9.
Affects SCC by 7.
*Your level must be less than or equal to 145 to use this item.
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
Small chunks of matter and the occasional recognizable object pop in and out
of existence around the wand whenever it sits idle, too fast to leverage
meaningfully but for long enough for it to really be noticeable.  Like
sitting too close to a welder, it's uncomfortable to be around, with little
hunks of freshly-made astral matter spitting out every direction, still hot
to the touch from the act of creation, and sharp as they figure out their
shapes.  This wand itself is not sharp, but it makes everything around it

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This item can be found in Focault's Residence.