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Cwn Annwn

Item: a sealed communique to Master Irvin

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Item 'a sealed communique to Master Irvin' is type treasure, alignment 0, made of paper,
has keywords 'vellum ornately cut folded letter sealed communique master irvin'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 7 pebbles, and is valued at 22,575 gp.
This level 23 item has the attributes: unbreakable nodecay bind-on-wear
*This item may be repaired 4 times.
This piece of vellum parchment has been carved with a fine blade in such a
way as to be ornamental, as well as fragile enough for the edges to rip once
it has been opened by prying eyes.  Each of the edges has been torn open and
frayed, so there isn't much harm in reading it now--

Headmaster Irvin,

At our latest Council meeting, your presence was noted and missed, both for
the levity you add and the valuable information you provide.  Your absence
has been excused due to the frequent emergencies that have been cropping up
in your corner of the world, but we do miss you, and hope we might see you
in person once again.  

Once you manage to quell the uprisings within your caverns and forests, I
would inquire not when you might be available to advise at the next Council
of the Seven, but whether you are available to take on a confidential side
project for me, personally.  Lord Maldra of Beltane and I have been keeping
an eye on the goings-on at the mansion of the old Winterborn house, and have
been growing increasingly alarmed.  

It seems that their prodigal son, Alpheus, has led their family fortune and
estate down a dark path, and the townsfolk are growing concerned.  They
spread rumors of demons being summoned, minor eldritch occurences, and
Alpheus himself descending into lunacy.  If you can spare the time, I would
ask you to investigate these rumors yourself, and if not, to spare the
manpower to have someone else do so.  

We have attempted to broach the subject of the boy with Agrippa numerous
times, but I fear he has simply been avoiding the subject since the death of
Alpheus' father.  I trust you understand the sensitive nature of this, and
the need for secrecy.  

                 Yours as always,
                 Lady Undya

+++ a sealed communique to Master Irvin will, when its wearer is in combat
with Baron VonJansen in Winterborn Mansion, deal 10 bonus damage per combat

Long description: An ornately-cut and folded letter has been written on vellum.
This item can be found in The Village of Lasler.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in The Village of Lasler by the mob 'A trapped postal imp'.
Increases damage dealt to 'slimes' by 10.
Increases damage dealt to 'ghosts' by 10.