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Cwn Annwn

NPC: A basilisk

NPC: A basilisk
Long Desc: A basilisk is here, following the dusty trail.

You avoid staring into the basilisk's eyes knowing that this could turn
you to stone.  Because of this you are unable to get a clear image of the
basilisk other than seeing that it is a small green lizard.  As it finally
turns its back to you, and you notice its six little legs moving in perfect
timing, like a king's parade.  The basilisk shuffles its feet in the loose
silt, presumably marking its territory with scent glands on the sides of its

It is a basilisk approximately 7'0" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Alyria.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- Trophy Hunt (150-180) from Lord Agrippa.