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Cwn Annwn

NPC: An earth elemental

NPC: An earth elemental
Long Desc: A huge earth elemental towers over you, dropping bits of earth and rock.

The earth elemental, forged from whatever dirt, stones, precious metals,
and gems happen to be around at the time, has a cold expressionless face.
Its two eyes sparkle like brilliant well cut gems.  Though it has a
mouth-like opening in its face, it does not speak.  Their voices can be
heard in the silence of these deep tunnels through the rumblings of

It is a elemental approximately 7'0" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Maldra Keep.
  …in Elemental Colony.
*This NPC is stationary.
This NPC is known to carry the following items:
This NPC carries 'a fire opal', a level 50 gem.