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Cwn Annwn

Player: Egocrusher

Egocrusher (90:241) (#1044)
Race: gnome
Gender: male
Classes: Paladin, Rogue, Monk, Druid [skills]
First Seen: 2002-10-28 10:09 pm
Last Login: 2023-07-26 03:20 am
Time played this month: 20 hours 40 min
PK rating 1225 (peak: 1462)

Clan activity

Time Event
2005-09-20 05:21 pm Egocrusher has joined clan Empire [59].
2005-09-20 03:04 pm Egocrusher has been removed from clan The Hostile Crew [57].
2005-09-09 05:00 am Egocrusher has joined clan The Hostile Crew [57].
2005-09-07 08:16 pm Egocrusher has left clan Enigma [2].
2005-04-18 03:03 pm Egocrusher has joined clan Enigma [2].
2005-03-24 06:36 am Egocrusher has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2004-10-01 12:22 am Egocrusher has joined clan Enigma [2].
2004-06-01 01:45 am Egocrusher has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2004-04-19 08:12 pm Egocrusher has joined clan Enigma [2].
2003-12-26 08:34 am Egocrusher has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2003-12-18 08:53 am Egocrusher has joined clan Enigma [2].
2003-11-17 06:35 pm Egocrusher has been removed from clan The Fallen [89].
2003-09-06 06:21 pm Egocrusher has joined clan The Fallen [89].
2003-08-31 06:01 pm Egocrusher has left clan Ahriman's Army [90].
2003-05-27 02:57 am Egocrusher has joined clan Ahriman's Army [90].
2003-05-24 05:29 pm Egocrusher has left clan The Fallen [89].
2003-05-15 06:20 pm Egocrusher has joined clan The Fallen [89].
2003-05-15 06:13 pm Egocrusher has been removed from clan Black Tower [29].
2003-05-01 07:26 pm Egocrusher has joined clan Black Tower [29].
2003-04-02 09:25 pm Egocrusher has left clan Black Tower [29].
2003-03-13 12:54 am Egocrusher has joined clan Black Tower [29].

Class activity

Time Class
2003-07-19 07:28 pm Egocrusher is now a Archon.
2003-06-06 08:45 am Egocrusher is now a Druid.
2003-03-26 07:53 pm Egocrusher is now a Monk.
2003-03-13 01:08 am Egocrusher is now a Rogue.
2002-10-28 10:09 pm Egocrusher is now a Ranger.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2023-07-26 02:42 am 2023-07-26 03:20 am 38 min 55 sec
2023-07-25 02:28 am 2023-07-25 02:42 am 14 min 37 sec
2023-07-24 11:43 pm 2023-07-24 11:54 pm 11 min 56 sec
2023-07-24 10:10 pm 2023-07-24 11:24 pm 1 hour 14 min
2023-07-24 04:54 am 2023-07-24 05:40 am 45 min 51 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2012-04-20 09:20 pm Stakker (76:241) 1232 +12.2 Egocrusher (88:241) 1238 -12.2 NPK
2012-04-20 08:57 pm Kever (120:241) 1489 +4.7 Egocrusher (88:241) 1242 -4.7 NPK
2012-04-15 04:49 am Kaine (141:241) 1406 +6.9 Egocrusher (88:241) 1249 -6.9 NPK
2012-04-13 08:34 pm Perrin (60:240) 1098 +0 Egocrusher (88:241) 1256 +0 NPK
2012-04-12 10:36 pm Deshane (120:241) 1137 +16.5 Egocrusher (88:241) 1273 -16.5 NPK
2012-04-12 09:43 pm Deshane (120:241) 1133 +17.1 Egocrusher (88:241) 1290 -17.1 NPK
2012-04-11 10:28 pm Egocrusher (88:241) 1290 +0 Nodiatias (60:240) 1197 +0 NPK
2012-04-01 06:16 pm Cyrion (100:241) 1360 +10.0 Egocrusher (88:241) 1300 -10.0 NPK
2012-04-01 04:28 am Dank (95:241) 1072 +19.3 Egocrusher (88:241) 1319 -19.3 NPK
2012-04-15 04:24 am Kaine (141:241) 1399 +7.3 Egocrusher (88:241) 1256 -7.3 LPKA