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Cwn Annwn

Player: Vennom

Vennom (33:93) (#149)
Race: sidhe
Gender: female
Classes: Valkyrie, Druid [skills]
First Seen: 2003-05-14 03:37 pm
Last Login: 2011-08-06 06:29 am
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 953 (peak: 992)

Clan activity

Time Event
2006-06-01 11:57 pm Vennom has been removed from clan Guardians [108].
2005-09-18 02:15 pm Vennom has joined clan Guardians [108].
2005-09-15 07:58 pm Vennom has been removed from clan Guardians [108].
2005-08-29 12:27 am Vennom has joined clan Guardians [108].
2005-05-13 07:54 pm Vennom has joined clan Guardians [108].
2005-05-13 12:03 pm Vennom has left clan Aurora [105].
2005-05-11 06:47 pm Vennom has joined clan Aurora [105].
2004-01-29 12:55 am Vennom has been removed from clan Circle of Power [6].
2003-05-14 03:37 pm Vennom has joined clan Circle of Power [6].

Class activity

Time Class
2008-06-15 03:23 am Vennom is now a Druid.
2003-07-14 07:20 pm Vennom is now a Bard.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2011-08-06 06:25 am 2011-08-06 06:28 am 3 min
2011-08-06 06:13 am 2011-08-06 06:17 am 4 min
2010-04-16 08:41 pm 2010-04-16 08:43 pm 2 min
2009-05-25 08:06 pm 2009-05-25 11:52 pm 3 hours 46 min
2008-09-17 05:05 pm 2008-09-17 05:10 pm 5 min 5 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2005-10-24 03:15 am Vexus (60:60) 1015 +10.2 Vennom (60:60) 964 -10.2 LPKA
2005-09-24 12:38 am Klyde (60:60) 995 +11.3 Vennom (60:60) 975 -11.3 LPKA
2005-09-10 01:20 pm Klyde (60:60) 992 +11.8 Vennom (60:60) 987 -11.8 LPKA
2005-05-15 01:30 am Lexium (43:103) 1220 +5.1 Vennom (36:96) 992 -5.1 NPK
2003-06-29 03:51 pm Vennom (60:60) 979 +12.7 Illusions (60:60) 1000 -12.7 LPKA
2003-06-15 01:44 am Akurei (60:120) 1293 +0 Vennom (60:60) 979 +0 NPK
2003-06-01 03:14 am Deathslayer (60:240) 899 +0 Vennom (50:50) 979 +0 NPK
2003-06-01 02:07 am Nelru (39:159) 857 +0 Vennom (50:50) 979 +0 NPK
2003-05-30 04:53 am Czar (49:49) 1088 +8.6 Vennom (49:49) 988 -8.6 LPKA
2003-05-18 07:18 pm Czar (38:38) 991 +12.3 Vennom (34:34) 1000 -12.3 LPKA