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Cwn Annwn

Player: Huehuecoyotl

Huehuecoyotl (102:241) (#24)
Race: sidhe
Gender: male
Classes: Bard, Monk, Cavalier, Druid [skills]
First Seen: 2003-01-12 03:53 am
Last Login: 2023-05-18 05:30 pm
Time played this month: 2 weeks 2 days
PK rating 975 (peak: 1010)

Clan activity

Time Event
2009-09-11 01:55 am Huehuecoyotl has been removed from clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2009-04-25 12:35 am Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2009-04-25 12:20 am Huehuecoyotl has been removed from clan Order of Twilight [143].
2008-11-12 06:59 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Order of Twilight [143].
2008-11-12 04:26 am Huehuecoyotl has left clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2008-09-02 12:57 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2008-08-27 02:28 pm Huehuecoyotl has left clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2006-03-30 01:58 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2006-03-29 06:35 pm Huehuecoyotl has left clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2004-06-27 09:35 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2004-06-25 10:07 pm Huehuecoyotl has left clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2004-02-12 07:03 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan Saresyn's Revenge [118].
2003-03-31 06:41 pm Huehuecoyotl has left clan The Higher Power [91].
2003-01-30 07:26 pm Huehuecoyotl has joined clan The Higher Power [91].

Class activity

Time Class
2006-01-13 05:18 pm Huehuecoyotl is now a Archon.
2004-03-24 01:17 pm Huehuecoyotl is now a Druid.
2004-01-24 02:12 am Huehuecoyotl is now a Cavalier.
2003-01-12 03:53 am Huehuecoyotl is now a Monk.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2023-05-18 12:52 pm 2023-05-18 05:30 pm 4 hours 37 min
2023-03-28 02:20 pm 2023-03-28 03:20 pm 1 hour
2023-03-27 12:49 pm 2023-03-27 01:03 pm 14 min
2023-03-20 01:41 pm 2023-03-20 04:24 pm 2 hours 43 min
2023-03-15 12:36 pm 2023-03-15 12:41 pm 5 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2008-11-24 01:22 am Huehuecoyotl (100:241) 975 +0 Rigan (60:120) 1043 +0 LPK
2008-07-25 11:27 pm Huehuecoyotl (96:241) 975 +0 Prune (5:65) 920 +0 LPK
2008-07-24 12:49 am Synn (111:241) 1570 +0.8 Huehuecoyotl (95:241) 976 -0.8 NPK
2008-07-24 12:18 am Synn (111:241) 1569 +0.8 Huehuecoyotl (95:241) 976 -0.8 NPK
2008-07-12 06:24 pm Huehuecoyotl (94:241) 968 +8.7 Rhosyn (89:241) 869 -8.7 LPK
2007-12-30 02:20 am Arathos (60:240) 1242 +0 Huehuecoyotl (90:241) 968 +0 NPK
2006-12-12 06:21 pm Huehuecoyotl (86:241) 947 +21.1 Rockon (129:241) 1290 -21.1 NPK
2006-12-12 01:40 pm Rockon (129:241) 1287 +3.0 Huehuecoyotl (86:241) 950 -3.0 NPK
2006-12-11 06:32 pm Defiance (102:241) 1240 +3.9 Huehuecoyotl (85:241) 954 -3.9 NPK
2006-11-24 05:26 am Nerion (85:241) 1300 +2.9 Huehuecoyotl (84:241) 956 -2.9 NPK

Ships captained

Ship First seen
[-+(S.S. Mena)+-] 2006-05-15 07:57 pm