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Cwn Annwn

Player: Zep

Zep (28:88) (#25580)
Race: human
Gender: male
Classes: Paladin [skills]
First Seen: 2003-02-19 05:19 pm
Last Login: 2007-03-25 09:20 am
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 942 (peak: 967)

Clan activity

Time Event
2004-01-29 10:01 pm Zep has been removed from clan The Chosen [102].
2003-11-05 12:31 am Zep has joined clan The Chosen [102].
2003-06-12 12:31 pm Zep has been removed from clan The Chosen [102].
2003-02-19 05:19 pm Zep has joined clan The Chosen [102].

Class activity

Time Class
2003-03-18 08:55 pm Zep is now a Wizard.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2007-03-25 09:20 am 2007-03-25 09:25 am 5 min
2006-12-20 11:10 pm 2006-12-20 11:35 pm 24 min 59 sec
2006-12-20 08:30 am 2006-12-20 09:10 am 40 min 1 sec
2006-12-14 05:05 am 2006-12-14 05:50 am 45 min 1 sec
2006-12-12 06:00 am 2006-12-12 07:20 am 1 hour 19 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-11-05 01:25 am Klaus (90:241) 890 +0 Zep (28:88) 942 +0 NPK
2003-04-05 04:46 am Catora (38:98) 1020 +9.7 Zep (25:85) 951 -9.7 NPK
2003-04-03 02:24 am Zep (25:85) 938 +13.7 Reddemon (28:88) 987 -13.7 LPKA
2003-04-02 10:19 pm Solus (60:120) 1512 +0 Zep (24:84) 938 +0 NPK
2003-03-29 11:00 pm Zep (18:78) 938 +0 Winterblades (44:44) 966 +0 LPKA
2003-03-29 09:35 pm Roxy (60:60) 1086 +0 Zep (18:78) 938 +0 LPKA
2003-03-24 04:01 am Zep (17:77) 925 +12.3 Gatham (25:85) 933 -12.3 LPKA
2003-03-22 12:07 am Aeriea (26:86) 992 +10.1 Zep (14:74) 936 -10.1 LPKA
2003-03-21 11:51 pm Aeriea (26:86) 981 +10.8 Zep (14:74) 946 -10.8 LPKA
2003-03-21 11:05 pm Geobog (60:60) 1006 +0 Zep (14:74) 946 +0 LPKA