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Cwn Annwn

Player: Dipa

Dipa (19:79) (#32197)
Race: ogre
Gender: male
Classes: Ranger [skills]
First Seen: 2002-03-05 10:31 pm
Last Login: 2007-09-30 03:55 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1007 (peak: 1095)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-02-12 10:06 pm Dipa has left clan The Order of Thanatos [97].
2003-01-22 03:48 am Dipa has joined clan The Order of Thanatos [97].

Class activity

Time Class
2002-12-19 02:09 am Dipa is now a Ranger.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2007-09-30 03:55 pm 2007-09-30 04:05 pm 10 min
2007-09-19 05:35 pm 2007-09-19 05:45 pm 10 min
2007-03-29 04:45 am 2007-03-29 04:50 am 4 min 50 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-02-27 04:31 pm Durova (32:92) 1134 +8.0 Dipa (18:78) 1015 -8.0 LPKA
2002-12-30 12:43 am Dipa (16:76) 1002 +12.3 Sadirel (17:77) 1012 -12.3 LPKA
2002-12-19 02:04 am Azile (60:60) 1014 +12.0 Dipa (60:60) 1014 -12.0 LPKA
2002-12-19 01:48 am Breath (60:60) 1038 +11.6 Dipa (60:60) 1026 -11.6 LPKA
2002-12-19 12:41 am Necron (60:60) 1041 +11.9 Dipa (60:60) 1038 -11.9 LPKA
2002-12-19 12:26 am Mook (27:87) 990 +0 Dipa (60:60) 1038 +0 LPKA
2002-12-19 12:17 am Redemption (60:60) 1123 +9.4 Dipa (60:60) 1047 -9.4 LPKA
2002-12-19 12:11 am Redemption (60:60) 1113 +10.1 Dipa (60:60) 1057 -10.1 LPKA
2002-12-18 11:58 pm Shadowrider (60:60) 1194 +7.8 Dipa (60:60) 1065 -7.8 LPKA
2002-12-18 11:51 pm Dipa (60:60) 1065 +0 Mook (27:87) 990 +0 LPKA