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Cwn Annwn

Player: Alysha

Alysha (47:107) (#3801)
Race: half-elf
Gender: female
Classes: Psionic [skills]
First Seen: 2003-08-28 07:19 pm
Last Login: 2011-08-06 09:53 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 956 (peak: 1039)

Clan activity

Time Event
2005-11-04 04:34 am Alysha has been removed from clan The Returners [117].
2005-08-17 10:42 pm Alysha has joined clan The Returners [117].
2005-04-05 11:52 pm Alysha has been removed from clan The Returners [117].
2005-01-27 09:25 pm Alysha has joined clan The Returners [117].
2005-01-09 10:17 pm Alysha has been removed from clan Phoenix [3].
2004-11-07 06:08 pm Alysha has joined clan Phoenix [3].
2004-11-06 01:56 pm Alysha has left clan The Returners [117].
2004-09-24 12:05 am Alysha has joined clan The Returners [117].

Class activity

Time Class
2004-10-04 03:08 am Alysha is now a Psionic.
2003-09-08 05:34 pm Alysha is now a Psionic.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2011-08-06 09:51 pm 2011-08-06 09:52 pm 1 min
2008-07-18 02:47 pm 2008-07-18 02:52 pm 5 min 5 sec
2008-07-03 02:42 am 2008-07-03 03:26 am 44 min 11 sec
2007-09-04 09:00 am 2007-09-04 09:05 am 5 min
2007-08-17 03:05 am 2007-08-17 03:10 am 4 min 59 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2005-03-19 04:14 pm Sabin (60:240) 856 +0 Alysha (45:105) 956 +0 LPKA
2005-03-12 06:51 am Inuyashi (51:111) 1164 +5.7 Alysha (45:105) 962 -5.7 LPKA
2005-02-12 01:10 am Ishynir (56:176) 1144 +0 Alysha (42:102) 962 +0 NPK
2005-02-12 01:03 am Alysha (42:102) 962 +0 Sirolas (60:60) 1066 +0 NPK
2005-02-10 12:56 am Nathan (60:120) 1051 +9.3 Alysha (42:102) 971 -9.3 LPKA
2005-02-10 12:49 am Kaine (80:241) 1225 +0 Alysha (42:102) 971 +0 LPKA
2005-02-10 12:44 am Kaine (80:241) 1225 +0 Alysha (42:102) 971 +0 LPKA
2005-02-09 04:10 am Ishynir (56:176) 1116 +0 Alysha (42:102) 971 +0 NPK
2005-02-05 04:45 am Datanyon (65:241) 821 +0 Alysha (42:102) 971 +0 NPK
2005-02-05 04:20 am Olebu (43:163) 910 +0 Alysha (42:102) 971 +0 NPK