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Cwn Annwn

Player: Aramus

Aramus (60:120) (#4062)
Race: drow
Gender: male
Classes: Rogue [skills]
First Seen: 2003-07-12 03:16 pm
Last Login: 2010-12-04 11:54 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1342 (peak: 1381)

Clan activity

Time Event
2007-12-09 05:08 am Aramus has left clan Heirs of Tuireann [132].
2007-04-30 07:48 pm Aramus has joined clan Heirs of Tuireann [132].

Class activity

Time Class
2004-10-03 02:02 am Aramus is now a Rogue.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2010-12-04 11:47 pm 2010-12-04 11:53 pm 6 min
2010-03-05 04:07 pm 2010-03-05 05:15 pm 1 hour 8 min
2008-12-18 02:05 pm 2008-12-18 03:00 pm 55 min
2008-12-01 12:05 am 2008-12-01 12:10 am 5 min 15 sec
2008-11-30 08:52 am 2008-11-30 10:10 am 1 hour 18 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2006-02-04 06:06 am Aramus (36:96) 1339 +3.4 Whtwolverine (35:95) 1028 -3.4 LPKA
2006-02-04 05:53 am Aramus (36:96) 1339 +0 Ipyra (60:120) 1000 +0 LPKA
2003-12-08 02:37 am Schneider (60:60) 1035 +20.8 Aramus (60:60) 1359 -20.8 LPKA
2003-11-18 08:10 pm Mimmoxer (55:115) 1386 +0 Aramus (60:60) 1359 +0 NPK
2003-10-23 02:16 am Duryn (60:60) 1024 +21.3 Aramus (56:56) 1381 -21.3 LPKA
2003-10-23 02:10 am Aramus (56:56) 1379 +1.8 Bigan (52:52) 941 -1.8 LPKA
2003-10-23 02:03 am Aramus (56:56) 1377 +1.8 Bigan (52:52) 943 -1.8 LPKA
2003-10-23 01:47 am Aramus (56:56) 1375 +2.1 Malir (50:50) 972 -2.1 LPKA
2003-10-06 08:07 pm Aramus (55:55) 1372 +2.6 Grimreefer (53:53) 1004 -2.6 LPKA
2003-10-06 07:57 pm Aramus (55:55) 1370 +2.0 Bakela (56:56) 955 -2.0 LPKA