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Cwn Annwn

Player: Zagrat

Zagrat (60:240) (#448)
Race: half-elf
Gender: male
Classes: Rogue [skills]
First Seen: 2003-11-26 08:45 pm
Last Login: 2017-11-09 07:33 am
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 905 (peak: 1012)

Clan activity

Time Event
2006-07-27 05:19 am Zagrat has been removed from clan Circle of Power [6].
2005-07-11 10:12 am Zagrat has joined clan Circle of Power [6].
2004-12-21 11:26 am Zagrat has been removed from clan Black Tower [29].
2004-12-09 03:00 am Zagrat has joined clan Black Tower [29].
2004-09-17 10:52 pm Zagrat has been removed from clan Eternal Darkness [103].
2004-08-11 08:58 pm Zagrat has joined clan Eternal Darkness [103].
2004-07-21 10:35 pm Zagrat has been removed from clan Mirage [58].
2004-07-09 09:41 pm Zagrat has joined clan Mirage [58].
2004-06-30 06:41 pm Zagrat has been removed from clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].
2003-12-08 03:42 am Zagrat has joined clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].

Class activity

Time Class
2006-01-15 04:56 pm Zagrat is now a Rogue.
2004-03-31 11:09 pm Zagrat is now a Druid.
2003-11-30 10:43 pm Zagrat is now a Wizard.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2017-11-09 07:27 am 2017-11-09 07:32 am 5 min
2016-12-12 04:41 am 2016-12-12 04:51 am 10 min
2016-09-15 03:47 am 2016-09-15 04:04 am 17 min
2013-09-16 01:45 am 2013-09-16 01:55 am 10 min
2012-05-06 06:24 pm 2012-05-06 06:35 pm 11 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2006-05-15 12:21 pm Boliy (60:240) 979 +9.8 Zagrat (60:240) 914 -9.8 LPKA
2006-05-15 04:13 am Zagrat (60:240) 902 +12.1 Dezmar (60:240) 906 -12.1 LPKA
2006-05-15 04:04 am Helps (60:240) 927 +11.6 Zagrat (60:240) 914 -11.6 LPKA
2006-05-13 06:22 am Dezmar (60:240) 905 +12.7 Zagrat (60:240) 927 -12.7 LPKA
2006-05-13 06:10 am Nathan (60:240) 1377 +1.7 Zagrat (60:240) 928 -1.7 LPKA
2006-05-11 08:33 pm Yien (60:240) 1020 +9.2 Zagrat (60:240) 937 -9.2 LPKA
2006-05-11 08:27 pm Zaknafein (76:241) 1174 +0 Zagrat (60:240) 937 +0 LPKA
2006-04-30 07:46 am Asynt (60:240) 975 +11.1 Zagrat (60:240) 949 -11.1 LPKA
2006-04-22 12:54 am Mutiny (74:241) 938 +0 Zagrat (60:240) 949 +0 NPK
2006-04-21 04:29 am Gobru (60:240) 1384 +1.8 Zagrat (60:240) 950 -1.8 NPK