Player: Santana
Santana (34:34) (#45931) | |
Race: | dwarf |
Gender: | male |
Classes: | Cavalier [skills] |
Clan: | |
First Seen: | 2002-03-24 03:45 am |
Last Login: | 2014-02-07 11:03 pm |
Time played this month: | 0 sec |
PK rating | 1165 (peak: 1262) |
Clan activity
Time | Event |
2003-07-23 08:05 am | Santana has been removed from clan Crypt [114]. |
2003-06-02 01:54 am | Santana has joined clan Crypt [114]. |
2003-06-01 03:38 am | Santana has left clan Tweaked [44]. |
2002-09-22 02:34 am | Santana has joined clan Tweaked [44]. |
2002-09-21 03:29 am | Santana has left clan Pollacca [19]. |
2002-05-19 06:33 am | Santana has joined clan Pollacca [19]. |
2002-05-15 06:01 am | Santana has left clan Power of Entropy [36]. |
2002-03-27 11:20 pm | Santana has joined clan Power of Entropy [36]. |
2002-03-27 12:27 am | Santana has left clan Tweaked [44]. |
Class activity
Time | Class |
2002-11-17 05:05 am | Santana is now a Bard. |
2002-03-29 08:24 am | Santana is now a Wizard. |
Recent login activity [more information]
Login | Logoff | Time online |
2014-02-07 10:55 pm | 2014-02-07 11:03 pm | 8 min |
2013-04-05 06:01 am | 2013-04-05 06:09 am | 8 min |
2012-09-03 03:31 am | 2012-09-03 03:32 am | 1 min |
2012-03-10 05:37 pm | 2012-03-10 05:39 pm | 2 min |
2011-10-21 02:56 am | 2011-10-21 02:57 am | 1 min |
Recent PK activity [more information]
Time | Winner | Loser | PK type |
2003-06-06 11:54 pm | Lothos (60:240) 977 +0 | Santana (39:159) 1165 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-06 12:45 am | Tyben (96:241) 1294 +0 | Santana (39:159) 1165 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-06 12:34 am | Neonova (48:228) 1009 +0 | Santana (39:159) 1165 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-05 03:45 am | Sunflash (56:176) 1484 +3.3 | Santana (39:159) 1168 -3.3 | LPKA |
2003-06-04 09:12 pm | Billy (44:224) 768 +0 | Santana (39:159) 1168 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-04 08:43 pm | Ratje (60:240) 1165 +0 | Santana (39:159) 1168 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-04 01:30 am | Nizzische (38:158) 1113 +14.4 | Santana (39:159) 1183 -14.4 | LPKA |
2003-06-03 08:24 pm | Ratje (60:240) 1127 +0 | Santana (38:158) 1183 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-01 11:44 pm | Ascent (51:231) 1378 +0 | Santana (38:158) 1183 +0 | NPK |
2003-06-01 10:54 pm | Santana (37:157) 1183 +0 | Katholikos (16:76) 1000 +0 | NPK |