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Cwn Annwn

Player: Oniisan

Oniisan (36:96) (#47056)
Race: elf
Gender: male
Classes: Cavalier, Ranger [skills]
First Seen: 2008-01-17 08:45 pm
Last Login: 2016-02-29 11:22 am
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 897 (peak: 970)

Clan activity

Time Event
2013-11-23 06:47 pm Oniisan has been removed from clan Tweaked [44].
2013-08-14 09:04 pm Oniisan has joined clan Tweaked [44].
2011-08-10 12:53 am Oniisan has been removed from clan Tweaked [44].
2011-06-02 01:56 am Oniisan has joined clan Tweaked [44].
2008-08-17 01:06 am Oniisan has been removed from clan Alpha et Omega [140].
2008-07-30 07:07 pm Oniisan has joined clan Alpha et Omega [140].
2008-07-11 09:10 pm Oniisan has been removed from clan Power of Entropy [36].
2008-06-09 03:20 am Oniisan has joined clan Power of Entropy [36].
2008-05-04 01:39 am Oniisan has been removed from clan The Fallen [89].
2008-04-26 05:46 pm Oniisan has joined clan The Fallen [89].
2008-03-19 01:09 am Oniisan has left clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].
2008-03-05 07:02 pm Oniisan has joined clan Eyes of the Dragon [56].

Class activity

Time Class
2011-06-13 01:45 am Oniisan is now a Ranger.
2008-07-08 05:24 pm Oniisan is now a Rogue.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2016-02-29 11:15 am 2016-02-29 11:21 am 6 min
2015-09-03 01:03 pm 2015-09-03 01:46 pm 42 min 59 sec
2015-03-14 07:02 am 2015-03-14 07:06 am 4 min
2014-08-27 08:36 am 2014-08-27 10:19 am 1 hour 43 min
2014-05-30 03:35 am 2014-05-30 03:53 am 18 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2013-08-17 12:28 pm Vid (60:120) 1506 +0 Oniisan (35:95) 897 +0 LPKA
2013-08-15 07:20 pm Oniisan (34:94) 897 +0 Splooge (60:60) 1000 +0 LPKA
2013-08-15 07:04 pm Splooge (60:60) 1000 +0 Oniisan (34:94) 897 +0 LPKA
2011-06-18 01:50 am Sinbad (170:241) 1437 +0 Oniisan (25:85) 897 +0 NPK
2011-06-18 01:42 am Sinbad (170:241) 1437 +0 Oniisan (25:85) 897 +0 NPK
2011-06-16 07:14 pm Redguard (60:240) 1070 +0 Oniisan (25:85) 897 +0 LPKA
2011-06-13 02:36 am Deathsmasher (69:241) 1051 +0 Oniisan (5:65) 897 +0 NPK
2011-06-09 05:11 am Bionix (60:120) 1023 +0 Oniisan (60:60) 897 +0 LPKA
2011-06-08 10:24 pm Roberto (48:168) 913 +0 Oniisan (60:60) 897 +0 NPK
2011-06-03 02:38 am Oniisan (60:60) 884 +13.4 Demonboy (60:60) 924 -13.4 LPKA