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Cwn Annwn

Player: Latulla

Latulla (44:104) (#67238)
First Seen: 2002-03-15 01:30 am
We've never actually seen this player online. We don't know their race, class, or even their favourite colour. They exist only as a relic of a long gone past, and perhaps a PK history.
PK rating 1039 (peak: 1156)

Clan activity

Time Event
2002-07-03 02:07 am Latulla has left clan Aurora [105].
2002-06-05 11:21 pm Latulla has joined clan Aurora [105].
2002-05-25 12:32 pm Latulla has left clan Cabal [4].

Class activity

Time Class

Recent login activity [more information]

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Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-06-12 09:58 am Latulla (44:104) 1039 +0 Xelessar (17:77) 913 +0 LPKA
2003-01-26 11:16 pm Latulla (44:104) 1028 +10.5 Silmoon (28:88) 984 -10.5 LPKA
2003-01-10 04:37 am Latulla (44:104) 1018 +9.7 Kargath (50:110) 951 -9.7 NPK
2003-01-10 04:21 am Kargath (50:110) 935 +15.3 Latulla (44:104) 1034 -15.3 NPK
2003-01-10 04:07 am Latulla (44:104) 1024 +9.3 Kargath (50:110) 945 -9.3 NPK
2003-01-10 03:45 am Latulla (44:104) 1015 +9.9 Kargath (50:110) 955 -9.9 NPK
2003-01-10 03:22 am Solus (60:120) 1419 +2.2 Latulla (44:104) 1017 -2.2 NPK
2003-01-10 03:08 am Latulla (44:104) 1006 +10.6 Kargath (50:110) 965 -10.6 NPK
2003-01-07 06:11 am Latulla (44:104) 996 +10.6 Kargath (50:110) 954 -10.6 LPKA
2002-06-26 05:53 am Kargath (46:106) 940 +14.4 Latulla (44:104) 1010 -14.4 NPK

CTF activity

Time Winning team
2002-04-21 02:38 am Yes
2002-04-02 02:00 am No
2002-04-02 01:19 am Yes
2002-04-02 12:25 am Yes
2002-04-01 11:33 pm Yes
2002-04-01 01:09 am Yes
2002-04-01 12:12 am No
2002-03-29 05:18 am No