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Cwn Annwn

Player: Ghoststriker

Ghoststriker (25:85) (#68405)
Race: elf
Classes: [skills]
First Seen: 2002-08-22 09:48 am
Last Login: 2013-07-08 04:09 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 923 (peak: 1012)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-11-26 02:41 am Ghoststriker has been removed from clan The Unforgiven [46].
2003-04-25 06:10 am Ghoststriker has joined clan The Unforgiven [46].

Class activity

Time Class
2002-09-03 01:22 am Ghoststriker is now a Wizard.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2013-07-08 04:07 pm 2013-07-08 04:08 pm 1 min
2011-08-19 04:54 pm 2011-08-19 04:55 pm 1 min
2011-05-01 05:29 pm 2011-05-01 05:50 pm 21 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2004-12-13 08:49 am Quach (20:80) 1030 +8.7 Ghoststriker (25:85) 931 -8.7 NPK
2004-12-13 08:48 am Ghoststriker (25:85) 915 +16.3 Quach (20:80) 1047 -16.3 NPK
2004-12-13 08:44 am Quach (20:80) 1039 +8.2 Ghoststriker (25:85) 923 -8.2 NPK
2004-12-13 08:43 am Quach (20:80) 1030 +8.7 Ghoststriker (25:85) 932 -8.7 NPK
2004-12-13 08:42 am Quach (20:80) 1021 +9.3 Ghoststriker (25:85) 941 -9.3 CPK
2004-12-13 08:39 am Quach (20:80) 1011 +10.0 Ghoststriker (25:85) 951 -10.0 NPK
2004-12-13 08:38 am Quach (20:80) 1000 +10.7 Ghoststriker (25:85) 962 -10.7 NPK
2004-12-08 10:06 am Heracles (60:180) 1599 +0 Ghoststriker (25:85) 962 +0 NPK
2004-11-25 04:45 am Heracles (59:179) 1430 +0 Ghoststriker (25:85) 962 +0 NPK
2004-10-25 04:08 am Heracles (55:175) 1437 +0 Ghoststriker (25:85) 962 +0 NPK